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Sprint Runner

Sprint Runner

Gym Workout

Gym Workout

Beach Volleyball Game

Beach Volleyball Game

Body Measurements

Body Measurements

Yoga Pose

Yoga Pose

"I have had painful chronic muscle spasms in my shoulders and left the side of my neck for over seven years. Doctors did not know how to stop it and put me on muscle relaxers and painkillers that only slightly affected the pain, which would last for only two hours. Then I met Omarian Atman. My wife and I said what the heck no one has been able to help so why not give this a try. Well, let's just say that Acu Light Wellness is the best decision I made in years. After just three sessions I don’t take meds anymore. It has helped me, and I know it will help you too."


  - Joseph C, Navy Seal

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress
Basic Images, Fleur de Lis, free memberships, 50% off all services, podcasts, Health wealth and beauty
Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

50% Off Birthday readings when scheduled in advanced with and choice of a Legacy Astrology Reading.

Need guidance getting started?

Click the free consultation below.

Acu Light Wellness evaluation and intake form

Acu Light Wellness evaluation and intake form

Book your birthday reading in advance to save your spot.

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress


"I don't know what to say. I had a nicotine addiction for over 20 years and began to see it as just part of my life. So when it was mentioned to me that working with Omarion Atman's techniques would rid me of the craving, I was skeptical. I mean, c'mon, it had been over 20 years. This was a deeply ingrained habit that surely just placing a light wand in a few spots was not going to take care of. However, I agreed and prepared for the worst. I heard about the anxiety that would come, the irritable moods, and the craving is almost insurmountable; and, of course, the dreaded weight gain. But within only a couple of sessions, I began to lose the craving that I had had for over 20 years. It's almost weird. It just went away – no drama, no anxiety, and no discomfort. The craving just left. Not to mention other areas of my life started to take off. Now I'm on my way to kicking my nicotine habit and living a fuller, more satisfying life. Thanks, Omarian. You are AMAZING!"


- Kurt E. Marina Del Rey, CA Personal Trainer



"Just wanted to share my experience. I recently began weekly Acu Light appointments. After the first few sessions with Omarian Atman, I began to notice something: I was losing weight! This was amazing to me because it was not something I was "working on," and in fact, I was not even aware that weight loss was something I could ask about. Of course, I am happy with it. There are obviously beneficial results to this work other than what I consciously intended." M. Hopps "Acu Light changed my life. Thank you Omarian!"


- Tabitha J. Burbank CA

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress
omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress

"Both sides of my body were tingling, and my lips were wanting to smile on their own like they were lifting.  I felt lightness over my face and body.  The tension was released and visually I could see little shots of purple light with orange flecks.  It was very relaxing.  My whole body now feels very much in sync.  But most of all, my face feels very light, and my cheeks feel like they're going up naturally, almost forcing me to smile, and they feel very tight and toned."  


- K. Towry Thousand Oaks, CA  Licensed Esthetician, CMT, and Business Owner



"I met Omarian 6 years ago and was a bit skeptical at first of Acu Light until experiencing it directly. Wow, could feel its benefits right away and have had several sessions over the years when certain injuries or issues needed treatment. Anyone afraid of needles this is a great way to access the meridians to unblock or stimulate chi. Big hug to you Omarian."


- M. Hufschmidt Percussionist.

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress
omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress

Stress Release


"I've recently benefited from the powerful effects of Acu Light, and wow...I've been through many years of healing with some of the finest in the world among diverse groupings of modalities. The technology and Omarian's approach were some of the most profound healings with immediate response from my system I have ever experienced. He's a true gift."


- J. Coburn, Laguna Negel CA



“I have been an avid runner for over ten years. Every day it’s three miles towards the sunrise. I booked a session with Omarian to try Accu Light and to see what it could do for the kinks in my knees I started to feel in my knees over the last few months. After one session the kinks in my knees were gone and had never come back, and when I run now, I average six miles a day and feel less tired than when I was just running three miles a day. I must admit, contrary to my belief during the session he did tell me that increased endurance and reduced post-performance fatigue side effects. Thank you Omarian! Let’s run sometime."

- Nancy Y. Beverly Hills CA

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress
omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress

Pain & Movement


"While driving home from my Accu Light session with Omarian, I felt, well, raw God energy. I have no other words for it. It was unexpected as it took me by surprise. While falling asleep that night, I experienced many lucid flashes, pictures, and scenarios. I also experienced a very grounded physical vitality from the session that seemed to access a very powerful place within me."


-Susan U. WA


"I was surprised to learn and then experience that light and color can help in the removal of lymphatic waste from the body so quickly. I strongly recommend Omarian's expertise in using light for anyone who wants to make better choices for their physical health."


- Jake L, Honolulu, HI

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress
Accu Light Sessions

Things It Can Help With



Adenoid polyps 


Adrenal Fatigue 

Adult diabetes 


Aggressive inflammatory diseases 

Allergic symptoms 




Andreas cross 


Angina pectoris vasomotorica 

Angina, cardiac 









Areas of not feeling well 




Asthma, bronchial 

Atrial septum defect 


Auto-Immune Disorders

Autonomic disturbances 

Autonomic dystonia 

Autonomic nervous system 

Autonomic symptom complex 

Autonomic symptomatology 

Axillary glands 

Axilla-sacrum line

The Accu Light Wellness Difference 

"The same way NASA edits the discoveries of known space to civilian viewers so too does the medical industry when it comes to the miraculous inner functions of your body."

~Omarian Atman

Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

50% Off Birthday readings when scheduled in advanced with and choice of a Legacy Astrology Reading.

The Accu Light Wellness Difference 
Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

Omarian Atman Legacy of Light

50% Off Birthday readings when scheduled in advanced with and choice of a Legacy Astrology Reading.

Beginner & Advanced Session Options 

omarian atman, accu light wellness, biophotons, color therapy, acupuncture, depression, migraines, psoriasis, anxiety, stress

If it's your first time with us or If you have already reached your health goals with us and would like to enhance your existing health state. then select our "Evaluation" to begin your Light Speed path to health and wellness. After that then, choose from any of our sample and or advanced Light Body Sessions from our five categories listed below.  For instance, if you want to improve and enhance your workout, feel more emotional joy, activate clarity of mind, and experience a greater connection to life's above-average forces. Then choose from any of the body, mind, emotions, awareness, and spirit categories listed below.

Choosing the right Light Body session for you.

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Image by Callie Morgan
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omarian atman, astrologer, spiritual, astrology readings, legacy, zodiac signs, horoscopes, birth chart, predictions,

Eternal Pieces
Emotion gate

50% off all services for Pieces-born members born between Feb 19 - March 20

The offer begins on Feb 19 and ends on March 20 of each year at 11:59 pm mountain standard time. Booking must be within birth month to receive discount.

50% OFF Accu Ligh Wellnes
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50% Off Birthday Reading Options
Must be booked within 2 weeks before, on, and within 2 weeks after your birthday.

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Basic Images, Fleur de Lis, free memberships, 50% off all services, podcasts, Health wealth and beauty

Now that you've done the beginners
foundation session you can now pick & and choose any of the sessions below. 


Quick click to Acculight Emotions, Mind and Awareness Sessions 

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